
Friday, February 14, 2014

Five on Friday

Happy Friday to everyone!

Many blogs I've come across write weekly, personal posts on Friday. I always enjoy reading them so I decided I need to include my own! I hope to get into the habit of writing these, but we'll see how it goes.

1. Happy Valentine's day! I Hope you all got your sweethearts something special. My husband and I enjoyed a simple valentine's day with dinner at Chick-Fil-A followed by watching the Olympics at home.

2. I always feel a little less productive when the Olympics roll around, I can't stop watching! I love watching all the events, but my favorite is ice skating. There's so much athleticism and talent in the Olympics and you are able to watch sports that you don't normally get to see.

3. The temperature reached the mid 40s today. The snow has finally melted and the sun has reappeared. I normally like winter and love snow, but this winter has been harder than most. The bitter cold has lingered around and made it impossible to do much outside. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather this weekend and hopefully spend some time outside.

4. Last week, I hurt my neck and shoulders and have spent most of this week in pain. I made my first chiropractor visit yesterday and was really nervous about it. Have you ever been to a chiropractor? I'm not sure why I was nervous; I guess fear of the unknown. I had a good first experience and am starting to feel better. I've been told it can take a couple of days for your body to adjust so I'm hoping I continue to feel better. I will go back in a couple of weeks to see if I need any more adjustments.

5. I am trying to get a better schedule of posting recipes. I plan to post recipes on Monday and Wednesday and have one of these posts on Fridays. I apologize that I have not posted much recently. I have battled some sickness and most recently had the neck pain. These have kept me from cooking and blogging as much. I hope to work on some recipes the next few days and have some new posts next week.

Have a great weekend!

*I will be doing some work to my blog over the next few days. I hope to have it finished by next week. I hope that it goes glitch free! I just wanted to let you know in case you experience any issues with my website.


  1. I'm excited for more recipes!! And also looking forward for this snow to melt... hurry up spring!
    Dev and I went to Oklahoma Joe's for some valentine bbq.

    1. So you joined the blogging world? I should have some new stuff up soon. :)
      Thanks for stopping by!
